Domestic ArCHITEcture 1916

            Jones - Furbringer, Memphis Architects.


The practice of Architecture demands a specialist as highly trained as in any of the leading professions.  Architecture is essentially a Fine Art.  It has been defined as the art or science of building, but before a building can be classified as among the Fine Arts, it must possess sufficient merit to distinguish it from that condition which answers only material requirements.  This book is intended as as a treatise on Domestic Architecture ...  M. H. Furbringer

 Sincere thanks to Dave French for allowing us to scan and post a copy of his very rare book.


Cover 1 2 3  - Reception Jones-Furbinger
Click on the small photos to see full screen photos of each page.

4 5 - Forward 6  7 - Introduction

8 9 - The Stairs 10 - Stairs- Exterior Walls 11 - Exterior Walls

12 - Porches 13 - Porches  14 - The Roof 15 - The Roofs

16 - Casements 17 - Kitchen-Pantries 18 - Kitchen 19 - Closets
20 - Fieplaces 21 - Fireplaces 22 - Coverings - Draperies 23

24 - Plumbing-fixtures 25 - Plumbing-fixitures 26 - Wiring-Lighting 27 - Heating System


28 - Boilers-Radiators 29 - Walks-Drives-Landscaping 30-Walks-Drives-Landscaping 31 - Pergolas

32 33 - Home of Judge J.C.Wilson 34 DR of Wilson House 35 Living Porch Wilson House

36 Home of David Steinberg 37 LR of David Steinberg Home 38 DR  of David Steinberg Home 39 Home of Dr. J. M. Maury

40 LR of Dr. Maury House 41 Living Porch Maury House 42 House Dr. W. T. Black 43 Home J. M. Toohey

44 Home Mrs. J. M. Richardson 45 Home of Mr. Irving Bendsdorf 46 LR  of Bendsdorf House 47 DR  of Bendsdorf House

48 Hall of the Bendsdorf Home 49 Living Porch Bendsdorf Home 50 Home of Mrs. C. W. Schulte 51 Home of W. M. Keith
52 LR of Keith House 53 Home of Mr. D. S. Watrous 54 Home of Dr. R. B. Maury 55 Home of W. J. Hardin
56 Home of Mr. C. E. Coe 57  Hall of the Coe House 58 LR of Coe House 59 DR of Coe House
60 Home of Max Heilbronner 61 Hall of Heilbronner Home 62 LR of Heilbronner House 63 Home of W. C. Johnson
64 Home of Mrs. John Ross 65 Home Mr. Robert Ruffin 66 LR Robert Ruffin Home 67 Home of Robert Cohn
68 Home of Mr. M. H. Furbringer  69 LR of Furbringer House 70 Home of Dabney Crump 71 Home of Walk C. Jones
72 Home of Mr. W. P. Maury  73 Home of Rhea P. Cary 74 Home of A. B. Carruthers 75 Home of Dave Halle
76 Home of Lucy Speed  77 Home of Abe Scharff 78 Partial List 79 Back Cover
... Collection Dave French


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