George Whitworth's

       ...featuring Historical Memphis Photos


The 2014 Calendar below  features many previously unpublished historical Memphis photos from the George Whitworth Collection.   You are welcome to freely download this calendar for personal use.   The calendar was created and designed by Maureen Thoni White of the website.  George Whitworth has graciously allowed to post the calendar on the website.  

George Whitworth

 Each downloaded file will fill an 8 1/2" x 11" page.  The printed pages should have a hole 
punched  in the bottom-center and be bound, for a small charge at any office supply store. >


1 - Cover, Court Square 2 -  Esplanade 3 - Introduction


Downloading .  Click on any photo below to enlarge the photo.  Right Click on the enlargement and select "Save Picture as..."  Select a folder on your computer where you'll save the downloaded files.  Click "Save".  The files are in the JPG format and the average size of a file is 400+ KB.   DO NOT right click directly on the small photo below and save it.   This will only save the small photo.  You must enlarge it first and Right Click on the enlargement.


4 - Hunt-Phelan-Civil War 5 - January 6 - Grand Opera
7 - February 8 - Tony's Saloon, Beale St 9 - March
10 - Orpheum 11 - April 12 - Cobblestone Landing
13 - May 14 - 1891 Memphis Press Scimitar 15 - June

16 - Stereoscopic, Main Street

17 - July 18 - 1920s Transportation
19 - August 20 - Customs House 21 - September

22 - Steamboats - Memphis

23 - October

24 - Speedway

25 - November 26 - Cossitt Library 27 - December

28 - Loew's State Theatre


Sincere thanks to George Whitworth, for allowing us to scan and post selections from his collection. 

He may be reached at
901-486-6436 or by email:

Printing .  The downloaded files can be printed on any standard paper, but they look much better if printed on premium PRESENTATION PAPER - matte or gloss.  

The calendar is designed to be printed on the Front and Back of 8 1/2" x 11" paper.  Odd numbered Files are the FRONT: 1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-21-23-25-27.  Even numbered Files are the BACK:   2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20-22-24-26-28 .  Print all the odd numbers first, and then place them back in the printer so the even numbers can be printed on the back.  Example:  Even number 2 is printed on the back of odd number 1.  Even number 4 is printed on the back of odd number 3....etc. 

If that is confusing, you can print them page by page.  Print File 1. Load it back in the paper tray, printed side up... and print file 2 .   Print File 3.  Load it back in the paper tray, printed side up... and  print file 4... etc.

Keep in mind that the Calendar is designed to hang from the top with two pages showing at all times.  If printed correctly the historical photos will be on the top page, and the calendar will be on the bottom page.


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   Historic Memphis Website