searching for more information |
We collect vintage photos and facts of early
Memphis. When we have sufficient information and
photos about a particular subject we develop a new major
page for the Historic-Memphis website. But
sometimes those facts and photos remain unseen in
folders for several years - just not enough information
for a new full page. That's the case with all the
Landmarks and subjects on this page.
"Deepwater" Convention |
For each subject (below) we've posted all the information
and photos that we currently have on file. Do you have
additional information and/or vintage photos that you
can contribute?
And we hope volunteers who would be willing to complete the
research and to write the text for these new
pages will come forward?
Gene Gill <gene.gill@verizon.net> |
Click on
small photos to see large photos |
Alice + Freda |
In 1892, Alice Mitchell, 19, and Freda Ward, 17, were
close friends at the Memphis Higbee School for Girls. They
had declared their love for each other and planned to elope to
St. Louis to live as husband and wife. Freda’s family found out
and forbid Freda from seeing Alice. On the afternoon
of January 25, 1892, Alice Mitchell met Freda Ward on Front
Street and cut her throat with a straight razor.
This resulted in a major trial and eventually a best-selling
book. Was Alice's motive jealousy or love?
Complete trial evidence is available, but info and photos and
drawings are lacking as well as memorabilia dedicated to each girl's personal background. |
Alice +
Freda |
Alice |
Alice |
Alice |
Testimony |
NY Times |
S.F. |
Book |
Grave |
Water Supply |
Almost a decade after the 1878 Yellow Fever epidemic, an
artesian aquifer was discovered under Memphis, which would
provide the city with an abundant supply of clean and safe
water. This became one of the best water sources in the
The Artesian Water Works were built by a private company.
There were over 80 artesian wells pumping at one time.
The page will cover the development of
the artesian water source and cover Memphis, "the dirtiest, most
foul-smelling city" in the world, to the cleanest city in the
nation. |
1906 Artesian Station |
Beulah Poynter
and the Lyric
Theatre sign... |
famous photo of the Lyric Theatre Sign on the corner of Main and
Madison became a "monument" to actress Beular Poynter. We
had to "Google" her to find out more. She was an American
author, playwright, and actor. Her career touched on
Broadway and Hollywood, but she was best known fro her starring
roles with touring companies, and as a prolific author of
mystery and romance novels. Poynter wrote two plays that
appeared on Broadway and she also appeared in over 10 motion pictures.
Theatre Sign |
Beulah Poynter now has her own comprehensive page on this
website >
Click here |
Blue and Gray Reunion ... 1911 |
great idea that never seemed to work. The "National" Blue
and Gray Reunion held in Memphis in 1911 was a complete
"Fizzle". Yet there was no animosity. Poorly
attended and reviewed. It set the pace for future joint
reunions ... few and far between. Those that did occur
were on a small scale like "local reunions" or held at famous
battlefields. Very few seem to know that the 1911 Reunion
in Memphis was a "Joint Reunion".
There's almost no information or photos available for the 1911
reunion. There must have been a lot of memorabilia for
sale during the event? |
The Blue + Gray |
Deepwater Convention, Memphis 1907 |
Roosevelt addressed the Deep Water Convention at Memphis. It was
one of his stops on a memorable three-week journey through a large
part of the middle West and South. His purpose was to address
the need for adequate improvement to the inland waterways from Chicago
to the Gulf of Mexico. He noted,
“The conservation of
natural resources is the fundamental problem. Unless we solve that
problem, it will avail us little to solve all the others.”
There's probably enough info and photos
available for a page. We're looking for a volunteer guest-writer
to write the text to cover the President's visit and the convention at
Memphis? |
Roosevelt at
Convention |
Edw Hunter
and Hunter Bros Dry Goods |
Edw Hunter
came to Memphis in 1878 and was a clerk in various retail houses.
In 1885 he went into the Dry Goods Business and quickly became one of
the best-known department stores in Western Tennessee. His large
six-story building at the corner of Main and Court handled everything
in the way of wearing apparel and house-furnishing goods. He
employed over 200 people and his annual business was $1,000,000.
In 1904, he sold "everything" to Lowenstein's.
quality photos (and more) are needed as well as additional information
for a major page on the H-M website.. |
Hunter Building |
1889 Ad |
Fire 1888 |
Profile 1905 |
Sold 1904 |
Sold 1904 |
The Mississippi Floods and Memphis |
location of Memphis on the high bluff above the Mississippi has
generally kept the floods away and made the city the major evacuation
center of the mid-south. The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 was
the most destructive river flood in the history of the United States.
Other major floors occurred in 1912, 1913 and 1937.
There are enough vintage
photos of the various floods available at the library or on the internet to have a major page on flooding. A volunteer
guest-writer is
needed to write the text and coordinate it with the photos. |
Flood |
1937 flood |
1937 Flood |
1913 Flood |
1937 Refugee Camp |
Flood |
Gray's Studio
... and Walter Gray |
Photographer Walter Gray settled in Memphis and built a prominent
studio in a residential section of the city at 395 Poplar at Manassas,
rather than the traditional "downtown" location. He also planned
an elaborate announcement of the studio's opening and mailed them to a
select clientele. We know his work from vintage postcards
of the old Memphis High School and the Exchange Building. We
know he was in business for at least 23 years but other than that,
we've uncovered very little about this photographer. |
1901 Gray's Studio |
1923 Ad |
Gray's Studio |
1905 Article |
1903 Article |
1901 Article |
and Berry Brooks |
Wolf River Greenway runs over 5 miles
along the south side of the Wolf River through the Wolf River Nature
Area in the City of Germantown. The trail provides access to
picnic facilities, restrooms, and wildflower meadows. . You'll
also find interpretive stops, aquatic plant displays, tree
identification, rest areas with benches, butterfly gardens, bat houses
and more.
Shelby Farms Greenline
Trail runs nearly
7 miles between Tillman Street in Binghampton and Farm Road in Shelby
Farms. It's built upon the bed of a former CSX Railroad line,
abandoned in 2001. |
Among the most prominent owners of 200 acres of the Greenway was Berry
Brooks, who purchased the land in 1948. At Epping
Way, Brooks and his wife Virginia raised cattle and kept peacocks on their
land. Brooks was a big-game hunter who brought back trophies
from Africa and donated several to the Memphis Pink Palace Museum, which
exhibited them in their "African Hall. In 1947, Life magazine
featured a photo spread showing his 14-year-old daughter posing with
animals she killed in Africa. |
There's quite a bit of historical information
available on the Greenway-Greenline routes and on the Brooks family. We're looking for a volunteer
guest-photographer who'll walk the Greenway-Greenline routes taking and
identifying photos along the way. Their photos will be credited and
included in this page of the website. |
Hart's Bread |
remembers the
wonderful aromas around the Hart's
Bakery. And one might remember the little window out
front, where you could give the baker a quarter, and he’d reach over
to one of the ovens and hand you a fresh-baked loaf of bread, wrapped
in aluminum foil to keep it warm while you took it home. But
mainly, one remembers the Massive Hart's sign, which must rank as one
of the best in Memphis. That huge loaf of bread rotated with
bright red flashing lights in sequence on the heart, which made the
heart seem to beat. The bakery closed in the 1980s.
Surprisingly, very little history information
about Hart's Bread is available on the internet and photos are
extremely scarce. Anyone? |
Hart's Sign |
Hemphill Diesel School |
Hemphill Diesel Schools were located In New York, Memphis, and Los
Angeles. They were considered the best diesel training available
in the US. The Memphis location was 311 S. Main, and they were
in operation from around 1936 into the 1950s.
While more school photos are available at the
Memphis Library, almost no historical information is currently
available. |
Hemphill School |
Hodges Field |
Field is on its way to become one of the completely "Forgotten
Memphis" landmarks. The field saw lots of football action in the
early 1900s. Both Teacher's College and Southwestern played
there. And Clarence Saunders (Piggly Wiggly) formed his own
professional football team in the late 1920s and they played at Hodges
Field. Later it was used for high school football - especially the
teams from Humes and Tech. Eventually the growing medical center
needed the space, so the old field was demolished.
Currently historical information about Hodges
Field is available on the internet, but photos are extremely rare.
Anyone have photos to share? |
Hodges Field |
Hubbard Co |
We have not been able to locate any information about this Memphis
Company. We only know that it was located at 382 S. Main Street,
Circa 1900, and that they bottled or manufactured liquor. We
have located over 12 "high quality" labels in pristine condition.
If these labels have
survived, there has to be some information "somewhere" about the
Hubbard Co and possibly some photos. Anyone? |
Cordial |
Immortal 600 |
During the
Summer of 1864 both Federal and Confederate heavy artillery mortar
shells flew back and forth over Charleston Harbor en route to their
targets. In the midst of this barrage, a group of Confederate
prisoners were held in a stockade built in the path of those bombs -
their Morris Island prison pen had been deliberately placed in harm's
way. In essence, these confederate prisoners were being used as
human shields. They became known as the "Immortal 600".
On June 8,
1909 the Society of The Immortal 600 met at the Fransiola Hotel in
Memphis during the 19th UCV Reunion. The photo on the right
shows those members in attendance. The names correspond with numbers.
Immortal 600 . 1909 |
The full story is well documented and available on the internet.
With a little research, it's possible to locate portraits of
individual soldiers.
We're looking for a volunteer guest-writer to
write the text to cover the story of the Immortal 600 and their 1909
reunion at Memphis? |
A.Fulkerson |
Henry Cook |
David Bullard |
"Little Peabody" |
The Little
Peabody was a gambling joint on Highway 51 N, about 20 miles from
Memphis. It was oprated by Byron Hughes and Frank Lowe and open
circa 1939-40 and was frequently raided by law enforcement.
Illegal poker chips continue to show up for sale on Ebay.
Almost no
information and no photos are currently available. |
Little Peabody Chips |
Macon-Andrews Business Colleges |
Macon-Andrews was considered one of the finest business colleges in
the south. The school occupied a choice Main Street location for many
years. While photos do occasionally
turn up on the internet, we have not been able to locate much
historical information. Anyone? |
Macon-Andrews |
Macon-Andrews - Main St. |
Macon Andrews |
Macon-Andrews |
Macon-Andrews |
1910 Macon-Andress |
Mai Festival .
The Germans, Memphis in May, Beale St.Music
Festival, October Fest |
A really BIG page is planned
showing how German immigrants brought the Mai Festival with them, along
with Classical Music. And they were the master music teachers.
This influx of Germans led to "
Memphis in May, Memphis Symphony, The Beale Street Musical
Festival, October Fest and
the Barbecue Cook off". A great
deal of information is currently available. It's just a matter
of additional research and organizing the photos with information
and dates + the TIME to work on it. Anyone
willing to volunteer? |
Field |
Stadium was one of only a few baseball stadiums that exclusively
hosted a team from the Negro Major Leagues. It was home to the
Memphis Red Sox. It was built around 1932 by the Martin
brothers. The Red Sox came to an end in 1960 and Martin Stadium
was demolished in 1961.
enough info available to put a page together, but historic photos and
memorabilia are needed and many photos may be restricted due to
copyrights. Anyone? |
Hatters |
There's virtually no information available about Miller Hatters.
We do know they were located in the new Peabody Hotel when it opened
on Union in 1925 and they issued a commemorative coin for the opening.
Anyone have
additional information or photos??? |
Seessels Market |
Sessell opened a butcher shop on Main Street in 1858 ... and the rest
is rather well documented.
There's probably enough info and photos
available for a page. We're looking for a volunteer guest-writer
who would do the research and write the text to go with the photos. |
So. Confection Co. |
on the Memphis Directories this company was in business from 1921 to
1933 - 12 years. They were originally located at 261 Rayburn and
in 1926 moved to 290-94 S. Washington. Thomas Hanson was
President of the company. Practically nothing more is known
about this company, yet their tokens show up regularly on EBAY.
The building on Washington still stands.
Anybody know
more about this company? Any photos? |
Stockyards |
"The most modern and up-to-date stockyard in the world. The
buildings and pens and barns are the most modern, being constructed
especially for the housing of horses and mules. The entire plant
covers an area of 11 1/2 acres. During the summer months about
5,000 head of cattle are handled from Florida and other Southern
States and sold to Western dealers. The yards were organized in
1911 and immediately leased to Hazel-Darnell Mule Co."
For "the
most modern in the world" the five photos are all we have located
about the Stockyards. Any additional information and especially
photos would be appreciated??? |
Vocational School
for National Defense |
1967 a 1.5 million dollar vocational school will be constructed on a
site now occupied by the Merrill Elementary School at 303 Jones
Avenue. It will be operated by the Memphis Board of Education
with state financing and will replace the Memphis Area Vocational
Technical School at 591 Washington. Schools of this type are
also being established in several locations in rural West Tennessee
and should improve the capability of the man-power resources from the
surrounding area." |
research is needed on this Vocational School ... Anyone? |
Credits |
Historic-Memphis website does not intentionally post copyrighted
photos and material without permission or credit.
occasion a "non-credited" photo might possibly be posted because we
were unable to find a name to give credit. Because of the nature of
our non-commercial, non-profit, educational website, we strongly
believe that these photos would be considered "Fair Use. We have
certainly made no monetary gain, although those using this website
for historic or Genealogy research have certainly profited. If by
we have posted your copyrighted photo, please contact us, and we'll
remove it immediately, or we'll add your credit if that's your
choice. In the past, we have found that many photographers
volunteer to have their works included on these pages and we'll
also do that if you contact us with a photo that fits a particular
page. |
The "Historic-Memphis" website would like to acknowledge and thank the
following for their contributions which helped make this website
Public Library, Memphis University Library, Memphis Law Library,
Memphis Commercial Appeal, Memphis Press Scimitar, Shelby County
Register of Deeds, Memphis City Schools, Memphis Business Men's
Club, Memphis Chamber of Commerce, Memphis City Park Commission,
Memphis Film Commision, Carnival Memphis, Memphis Historical
Railroad Page, Memphis Heritage Inc, Beale Street Historic District,
Cobblestone Historic District, Memphis Historic Districts, Vance
Lauderdale Family Archives, Tennessee State Archives, Library of
Congress, Kemmons Wilson Family, Richard S. Brashier, Lee Askew,
George Whitworth, Woody Savage and many individuals whose assistance is
acknowledged on the pages of their contributions. Special
thanks to Memphis Realtor, Joe Spake, for giving us carte blanche
access to his outstanding collection of contemporary Memphis photos.
We do not have high definition copies of the photos on these
pages. If anyone wishes to secure high definition photos,
you'll have to contact the photographer or the collector.
(To avoid any possibility of contributing to SPAM, we do not
maintain a file of email addresses for anyone who contacts us). |