Frances Wright
Historic Nashoba |
Frances Wright was a lecturer, writer, free-thinker, feminist,
abolitionist, and social reformer - all in one life time.
As an abolitionist, she was the first American woman to speak
publicly against slavery. As a writer she has 5 books
and numerous articles to her credit, as well as being the
originator of a magazine "The Free Enquirer".
As a feminist, she is credited with being the first woman to
wear pants. And her lectures were always "sold out" -
not because she was popular, but because she was the "Red
Harlot of Infidelity" and newspapers loved to use "Fanny
Wrightism" as a phrase for all things progressive and
loathsome. All this would mean nothing had she not
actually acted against slavery and found a commune with her
own money, in an area near Germantown. She named
the commune "Nashoba". |
Click on small
photos to see an enlargement |
Frances "Fanny" Wright was born in Dundee, Scotland February
1795. Her father James Wright, was a wealthy linen
manufacturer and political radical with proper connections. Both parents died before
Fanny's third
birthday. She and younger sister
Camilla lived with relatives in England until they were 16 and then
lived with an uncle in Scotland. A younger brother
lived with other relatives and died young.
Before her 18th birthday, the now wealthy Fanny had published a book and
by 1818 she had written a play which was produced in New York. She and Camilla
attended the opening in New York and then toured the US for two
years. |
Dundee, Scotland |
Dundee, Scotland |
The Wright Tartan |
Frances Wright |
London - 1800s |
NYC - 1800s |
During trips up the Mississippi River Fanny experienced slavery
for the first time and developed an aversion to it.
In 1821 Frances was invited to Paris by Marquee Lafayette after
he read some of her writings. When Lafayette went to
America in 1824, Fanny and Camilla were invited to go along.
They were with him when he was entertained at the homes of
Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Fanny discussed her
ideas for ending slavery by buying slaves, without loss to their
owners, followed by life in a colony, where they would be
educated to be self-supporting and prepared for freedom. |
Paris - 1800s |
New Harmony
Community |
In 1824-25, during their visit to the US with Lafayette, Fanny
and her sister visited Robert Owen's "New
Harmony Colony" on the Wabash River in southwest Indiana.
Owens was trying to establish a Utopian society and believed
that people were happier with communal living. During this
visit Fanny decided that she would definitely establish her own colony as an experiment
to end slavery. She also became a US
citizen in 1825. |
Owen's design "New Harmony" |
New Harmony buildings |
Marker |
Robert Owen |
New Harmony cemetery |
Lafayette |
Nashoba Community |
Fanny believed slaves would work
harder for their freedom than they would for a master. In her colony,
slaves would be emancipated and anyone welcomed who was willing to work for the common good.
She envisioned a self-sustaining multi-racial community composed
of slaves, free blacks and whites. Frances Wright was 29 years old
when Nashoba broke ground. In its first year about 100
acres were cleared and primitive log structures were built to
provide shelter. |
Nashoba today |
Nashoba location |
Nashoba |
Wolf River |
Nashoba Drawing |
Marker |
Wright recruited people and attempted to raise funds for Nashoba. She
was a master in recruitment, but a total failure in raising
funds. So she ended up using her own fortune to buy land
and slaves. But the blessings Fanny received from well
known names in England, France and the US were
astonishing. Old friend Lafayette suggested she contact Andrew
Jackson in Tennesse about the land. Of course Jackson
recommended land in Tennessee, - the new Chickasaw purchase - 15
miles east of Memphis. |
A. Jackson |
1823 Marcus Winchester married Marie (Mary) Loisell, a
beautiful woman of color. The couple were sensitive to
the plight of non-whites and formed a life long friendship
with Frances Wright when she came to Memphis to establish the
slave emancipation community of Nashoba. |
In late October 1825, Frances rode
horseback around the land Jackson recommended inspecting the
Wolf River near the site of what is now Germantown. She
bought 320 acres for $480 and later negotiated for more -
a total of 1,940 acres. She described it as "2000 acres of
good and pleasant woodland, by a good and lovely stream".
She named the settlement NASHOBA, the word the Chickasaw used
for Wolf River. Fanny then went to Nashville and bought
eleven slaves including five men - Willis, Jacob, Gradison,
Redick, and Henry - 3 women - Nelly, Peggy, and Kitty, and three
of their children. |
Fanny - Horse |
Three men played important roles at Nashoba: Richeson
Whitby, a Quaker from the Indiana New Harmony community; James
Richardson, a Scotsman who lived in Memphis; and George Flower,
an emancipationist. None of them had experience in
farming or in carpentry. In abolitionist newspapers
Fanny pleaded for stonemasons, carpenters, and teachers.
No one ever responded or answered the call. |
Nashoba |
Camilla |
Geo Flowers |
Robt Owen |
Robt Dale Owen |
Richeson Whitby |
Jas Richardson |
In the Nashoba community, to earn freedom, slaves were expected to perform
enough labor to reimburse the plantation for their purchase
price plus 6% interest and their food and clothing costs.
While they worked, they also learned a trade and how to read, to
figure, and to write. Their children all were to receive a
full education. |
Frances was inexperienced in
frontier life and at first the life agreed with her. She
slept in open log cabins, endured extremes of heat and cold and
never felt better in her life. But the land was hard to
work, and was often flooded.
In 1826, Fanny
deeded the property to a group of trustees under a deed of trust
. The trustees were Lafayette, William McClure, Robert
Owen, Robert Dale Owen, C. D. Colden, Richeson Whitby,
Robert Jennings, George Flowers, Camilla Wright, and James
Richardson. Robert Flower didn't like this change and left
the community.
During a visit to the New Harmony
Colony, Fanny found that it had fallen into
"one against the other". Everyone was angry. Robert
Dale Owen decided to leave New Harmony and join Frances at Nashoba.
Pioneer life... |
The physical work at Nashoba
eventually broke Fanny's health. She became seriously ill
with malaria and was encouraged to go to the climate of Ohio.
In 1827 with Camilla, Richeson Whitby and James Richardson left in charge, Fanny and Owen went to Ohio
for her health and eventually to Europe to recruit additional
help for her Nashoba experiment. |
Drawing |
While Frances was away, Camilla and
Whitby fell in love and married. They left the leadership
tasks to James Richardson. With him, the Nashoba
Experiment moved from its original course to disaster.
While "the bosses" were away, James Richardson published
shocking details of his life at Nashoba in a abolitionist
newspaper. In one incident Richardson whipped a slave women in the
presence of Camilla. He encouraged interracial sex, free
love - even inter-racial marriage and
admitted to be living outside wedlock with a free black woman.
From this point on, it was all downhill for Nashoba. |
Inter-racial |
This is the only known photo of Nashoba.
dates from ca. 1920-25. Historian George Whitworth
discovered it in the book "Images of America, Germantown" by
Russell S. Hall, published by Arcadia Publishers, 2003. We
think the photo which is un-credited in the book, is probably
"Public Domain" but we have made numerous attempts to contact
the author, the publisher, and the Germantown Library. No
one has replied to our inquiries. We believe that because
of its historical value to this page, and the fact that this
website is totally non-commercial, non-profit, our use of the
photo would be considered "Fair Use". Upon
request of a true owner of the copyright we will remove the
photo immediately. |
Nashoba photo . c. 1920-25 |
Frances Trollope
and "Domestic Manners of the
Americans" |
Meanwhile, Fanny was
recruiting Europeans and the English travel writer Frances Trollope
answered the call. Trollope was lively and well-educated,
but not as radical as Wright. She agreed to accompany
Fanny to America in 1827. Her real motive was that a few
years in America would give her time to escape her English
creditors. During this period Trollope was quite critical
of American society for its lack of polish and thought manners
in Memphis were particularly atrocious. At Nashoba she was appalled
by her primitive room and the poor quality of food and put all her unfavorable opinions in a book:
"Domestic Manners of the Americans". Of course it angered
many in the US. But Americans had the last laugh
because the English word "trollop" began to refer to Frances Trollope.
Frances Trollope |
On her return to Nashoba with Frances
Trollope in January 1828, Fannie found a ruin. Unable to
do the physical work, she again left Nashoba with Dale
Owen for New Harmony to edit the New Harmony Gazette. And
She took to the lecture platform in a big way. Dubbed "The Great Red Harlot"
for her personal life, Fanny developed her own dress code for
women - a dress cut below the knee and men's pants or
"pantaloons" under this. She was the
first women to wear men's pants. Other feminists
adopted the style later. Her enemies said she would turn
the world into "one giant brothel". Her admirers said she
was a "bold apostle of liberation and equality". |
Fanny in Pants |
At Nashoba, Camilla's husband Richeson
had become
very ill and he and Camilla moved to Ohio. He died
shortly afterwards. Still fighting gossip, her poor health,
as well as rhe scandal from which the commune couldn't recover, Fanny
was forced to abandon the Nashoba community. In 1829 she
and Dale Owen moved to New
York where they published a radical newspaper called the Free
Enquirer. She also purchased a Baptist church and renamed
it Hall of Science - a perfect place to deliver and publish her
Here she continued to call for improvements in the
status of women, including equal education, suffrage, and equal rights.
By 1836 Dale Owen had
moved on to politics, eventually serving as a U. S. Congressman who
was instrumental in the founding of the Smithsonian Institution in
Washington. |
Robt Dale Owen |
In 1830 Fanny returned to the
abandoned Nashoba and freed the Commune's
slaves, chartered the vessel John Adams and arranged for the
slaves transport to Haiti. She accompanied them on the
journey. In Haiti they could live their lives as free men
and women. If they became productive citizens, the former
slaves were to be given land grants. On this journey was
William P. D'Arusmont, a self-styled "doctor" who never
practiced. Fanny must have been charmed by him during the
voyage because she became pregnant with his child.
She, D'Arusmont, and Camilla sailed to France, where Camilla
died a short time later. After her daughter Silva was
born, Fanny married D'Arusmont and became a recluse for the next
5 years. It was a loveless marriage and he soon gained
control of her remaining fortune. The two were soon divorced. |
W. D'Arusmont |
Fanny returned to
the US in 1835 and settled in Cincinnati and was again on the
lecture platform, seeking to give women a larger role in health and
medicine. But now she was too notorious to resume a public
career. The rest of her life is relatively calm. By
1838 Fanny suffered from health problems and spent her last
years at the residence of her daughter, who had now moved to
There are no recorded pro or con reactions to
Fanny's Nashoba experiment in any black published books or newspapers.
Frances (Old
Age) |
Frances Wright Books ...
Her first book was written
before she turned 18 and her last in 1836. They're all
still in print. |
Frances Wright |
Frances Wright Quotes
A good way to get to
know Frances Wright is to read a summary of her quotes ... |
Frances Wright |
Frances Wright and the U. S. Newspapers |
Fanny was the one they loved to hate. And she was good
"copy". There were almost daily "Fanny articles" in
newspapers around the country - or at least a mention of her
name. And they certainly didn't refrain from exaggerating
the truth or spreading outright lies about her. References
to Fanny, as well as articles, continued for over 25 years after
her death. Today she is almost forgotten. |
DC Herald 1836 |
NY Herald 1837 |
1843 |
NY Herald 1845 |
Memphis Daily
1874 |
Public Ledger
1876 |
Frances Wright died in 1852 in Cincinnati, Ohio from
complications after a fall on an icy staircase.
She is buried at the
Cincinnati Spring Grove Cemetery. Practically every
newspaper in the country published an obituary. Her legacy is Nashoba,
but while she lived,
it was nothing more than a mosquito infested swamp. The native
Indians used it for hunting only - never as a place to live.
Fanny's Grave |
The heir to Frances' property in Tennessee was her daughter
Sylva D'Arusmont who tranformed Nashoba into a private estate,
settled there and raised a family. She married William E.
Guthrie, from an old family in Scotland and they had two sons
who became ministers in New York City. Sylva had become a Christian and
a conservative and in 1874, testified AGAINST woman's suffrage
before a congressional Committee. |
Nashoba For Sale |
time, Nashoba had developed into a modest plantation
with various tenants who each made changes. The Nashoba
lands passed to Sylva's sons, William and Kenneth after her death.
They sold the property to Thomas Payne. He sold the property
to L. B. Lary in 1947. In 1979 the main house at the
plantation burned. |
Credits |
Historic-Memphis website does not intentionally post copyrighted
photos and material without permission or credit.
occasion a "non-credited" photo might possibly be posted because we
were unable to find a name to give credit. Because of the nature of
our non-commercial, non-profit, educational website, we strongly
believe that these photos would be considered "Fair Use. We have
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for historic or Genealogy research have certainly profited. If by
we have posted your copyrighted photo, please contact us, and we'll
remove it immediately, or we'll add your credit if that's your
choice. In the past, we have found that many photographers
volunteer to have their works included on these pages and we'll
also do that if you contact us with a photo that fits a particular
page. |
The "Historic-Memphis" website would like to acknowledge and thank the
following for their contributions which helped make this website
Public Library, Memphis University Library, Memphis Law Library,
Memphis Commercial Appeal, Memphis Press Scimitar, Shelby County
Register of Deeds, Memphis City Schools, Memphis Business Men's
Club, Memphis Chamber of Commerce, Memphis City Park Commission,
Memphis Film Commission, Carnival Memphis, Memphis Historical
Railroad Page, Memphis Heritage Inc, Beale Street Historic District,
Cobblestone Historic District, Memphis Historic Districts, Vance
Lauderdale Family Archives, Tennessee State Archives, Library of
Congress, Kemmons Wilson Family, Richard S. Brashier, Lee Askew,
George Whitworth, Woody Savage and many individuals whose assistance is
acknowledged on the pages of their contributions. Special
thanks to Memphis Realtor, Joe Spake, for giving us carte blanche
access to his outstanding collection of contemporary Memphis photos.
We do not have high definition copies of the photos on these
pages. If anyone wishes to secure high definition photos,
you'll have to contact the photographer or the collector.
(To avoid any possibility of contributing to SPAM, we do not
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