Menken Bros Dry Goods
... Memphis' forgotten Department Store |
dry goods firm of Menken Bros was for many years one of the
largest of its kind in the Southwest and occupied a full block
on Main Street in Memphis. J. S. Menken had originally
established the firm in 1862 and within 2 years, it had grown
enough for his two brothers to become partners. The
first Memphis location was at 261 Main across from Court
Square on the NW corner of Court. The firm grew into the
next door building at 263 and continued to prosper.
Menken purchased a building at the corner of Main and Gayoso
and built a palatial five-story modern store which became the
showplace of the city. Today the Menken Bros
are rarely mentioned whenever there's talk of the Goldsmith's,
Lowenstein's, Gerber's, and Bry's |
Click on small
photos to see an enlargement |
Menken's first Memphis store was located at 261 Main Street
across from Court Square. It was begun by J. S. Menken in
1862. He was a "natural" in business and enjoyed immediate
success. By 1865 his brothers Nate and Jules had
joined him as partners and the firm name became "Menken Bros".
Their success continued until 1878 when Nate bcame a victim of
the yellow fever epidemic. Upon his death, two new
partners were added to the firm - William Horgan and J. S.
Andrews and the success of Menken Bros continued ... |
The first
Menken |
The first
Menken |
The first Menken |
The Menken Building |
1868 ad |
1872 ad |
1877 ad |
20 years of prosperity, Menken Bros found the 261-263 Main Street building totally inadequate to accommodate the immense stock
it was necessary for them to carry to meet the demands of their
vast trade.
They desperately needed to expand and the firm began planning a move to new and much larger quarters.
But ... |
Billhead |
Billhead |
Suddenly in 1882, employees came to work and found that the
store was locked. Without any warning, the company had
failed. The owners attributed much of it to the
"shortness of the cotton crop" and indicated that it had created
danger for all the dry goods stores in the city. And they
indicated that they fully planned to resume business in a few
days. |
then in short order all assets were secured by Louie Stix of
Stix, Krouse & Co of Cincinnati with the understanding that they
would set the Menkens on solid business footing as soon as
arrangements with the creditors were closed. And the
employees had been paid immediately. A notice appeared in
the paper the day of the closure, directing them to come to a
nearby address and receive their money. Thus the crash
ended quickly and Menken began anew and soon opened a new store
... |
Failure |
Failure |
Failure |
The New Menken Building at Main
and Gayoso |
Menken's new building at 371-379 Main Street was the largest in the city and equal in
size to any in the Southwest. The two elevators alone cost
$10,000 and every convenience that money could provide was added
to the store. The entire front of the building was made of
fine, heavy plate glass. There were 30 different
departments in the store with 75 male and 50 female assistants
in the various departments. Menken was the first house in
Memphis to employ salesladies and to divide their dry goods into
"departments" - although Goldsmith's will later occupy this
block and claim to be the first to offer "departments".
The new
Building |

J. S. Menken |
J. S.
had supervised everything about the new building and nothing was
omitted. The main entrance was 25 feet wide and opened
into a large vestibule. There was a grand aisle running
through the center with the various departments on either side.
The stairways and furniture were made of mahogany and there were
ten superb chandeliers on each of the five aisles. The lower
floor was devoted to women's clothing, men's
furnishings, glasswares, boots and shoes - the second floor to
cloaks, shawls, millinery, and carpets. The third and
fourth floors were devoted to the wholesale business. The
fifth floor was used as a millinery and dress manufacturing
department. There was also a basement, used for storage
and as a packing room. |
William R. Moore
who knows something about the Dry Goods business was
enthusiastic in his praise of the new Menken building. "I
consider this one of the finest dry goods stores in the world...
There are not a dozen finer stores on earth... Stewart's is the
only one in New York. Shillito, in Cincinnati, has more
goods, but it is no handsomer inside and very little larger...
Macy's, in New York, covers more ground, but is a succession of
old houses that were formerly residences, and can't be compared
to Menken's. There is no retail store in Chicago as
handsome... London, with a population of 4,000,000, has not such
a dry goods store as this.
the full article below: |
Wm R. Moore |
1893 Ad |
1895 Ad |
1898 Ad |
Billhead |
Billhead |
1883 Plans to
enlarge |
1885 Sale Ad |
Menken 1895 |
1888 Sale Ad |
1886 Jules Menken retired and the firm was reorganized as the J.
S. Menken Co. A notice of this appears in the Daily Appeal
(on the right), along with this interesting item:
visit at Menken's mammoth emporium on Thursday last was a treat
within itselt. New exhibits in the different departments
were beautiful and elaborate, with flowers artistically arranged
in places where they showed to fine advantage, cut glass and
dainty bric-a-brac in one department, millinery and ready made
suits in another. fine dress goods, crockery, art material, and
last, but not least, the stationery department, brimful with
artistic stationery and fancy goods, all combining to make a
scene rare and beautiful, and a place so enchanting that ladies
reluctantly depart". |
Jules Retires |
J. S. Menken made numerous trips to Europe, where he was as well
respected in the capital cities as he was at home in Memphis.
In 1891, before departing on one of his planned European trips,
William Floyd, owner of a famous Memphis restaurant and one of the three
finest in the city, planned a very special banquet " In honor of
J. S. Menken" . A copy of the elegant menu appears
on the left. It was printed on Silk Brocade in honor of
the event, and the complete list of items appearing on the menu
is shown below: |
Pains de
Caviar-a la Russe, Consomme en Tasse, Drink: Amontillado. Pompano
Grilles a la Maitre d-Hotel, Pommes de Terre Parisianne, Drink: Haut
Sauternes. Ris de Veau Glaces aux Petit Pois, Pommes de Terre
Croquettes, Drink: Pontet Canet. Filet de Boeuf Pique aux
Champignons, Asperges en Branch Chouflour a la Creme, Drink: Pommery
Sec. Punch, au Kirsch, Poulets Grilles au Cresson, Salad de Laitue,
Drink: ; Mumm's Extra Dry. Fruits, Nuts, Raisins, Gateaux Assortis
- TuttiFruitti Glace, Fromage Roquefort, Cafe Noir. |
Floyud |
Restaurant |
Restaurant |
Restaurant |
Restaurant |
J. S.
Menken Dry Goods continued as a Memphis showplace on the corner of Main
and Gayoso until January 11, 1899 ... and then it closed
forever. Around 7 PM a fire broke out in the basement and
by 9 PM was a seething mass of flames and was completely out of
control. The center of the first floor soon fell and by
2:25 AM, the walls of the Menken building fell.
The next door Gayoso Hotel was evacuated but with favorable east
winds, it was saved. |
Fire! 1899 |
1899 Article |
little is known about J. S. Menken after the store burned.
In 1903 he is superintendent of Hegeman & Co in NYC. It's
not known why the Memphis store wasn't rebuilt. What is known is
that in 1895 Goldsmith's had relocated to a building at 261-263
Main, across the street from Menken, where the current Black and
White /Jolly Roger Furniture building is located. In 1902
Goldsmith's took over what was left of the Menken building and
rebuilt it into their flagship store. The downtown store
closed in 1993 and the building is still there. It has now
been renovated and houses a retail arcade and the Belz Museum. |
The Menken Family |
Solomon Menken,
a native of Amsterdam was the matriarch of the family. He
had come to America in 1826 and settled in Cincinnati, Ohio
where he established the city's first Dry Goods store. The
store prospered and Solomon and his wife
had five children - Jules, Jacob, Nathan, Cordelia and Amelia.
There were two other children, Alexander and Rosina with a
first wife who died shortly after the birth of Alexander. |
Stanwood Menken
was born in Cincinnati in 1838. After his education at St.
Xavier's College, he beame a clerk in his father's store.
By 1858 he became a partner in the firm of S. Menken & Sons,
composed of his father, himself, and his brothers Jules A. and
Nathan D. Menken. Their business increased until they were
well known over a large section of the area.
But by 1861, with unsettled conditions before the Civil War, the
firm failed. In 1865 the firm of Menken Brothers became
established in Memphis. One of their first acts was
to begin paying in full, with interest, all liabilities of the old
business that had failed. |
J. S. Menken |
Menken Bros |
generous act, which was not legally required, shows the integrity
which characterized the Menken Brothers all through life.
Their creditors appreciated it so much that they presented each
brother with a handsome solid silver service. After the war,
Jacob had settled in Memphis and established a small dry-goods
store, and had gradually enlarged it until his two brothers joined
him in 1865. Sadly Nathan D. Menken became a victim of yellow
fever and died during the 1878 epidemic.
In 1886 Jules Menken retired and the firm was reorganized as the J.
S. Menken Co. |
success of the Menken business is attributed to the leadership of J.
S. Menken. It seems that his resources were unlimited without
any of the petty brusqueness often characterized by men in business.
He was considerate with all employees with a sincere interest in each
one. In 1886 he organized the first free kindergarten in
Memphis, and in 1894 the first one in the South exclusively for
colored children. He also founded the Commercial Club, whose
aim was the promotion of the city's business interests. And he
donated $165,000 for the completion of the Grand Opera House.
But his noblest example of generosity was the Christmas Club - meant
to spread happiness and good cheer among the poor at holiday time.
He and his wife Ray (Hart), daughter of a well known NYC merchant
had no children of their own, but at the death of Nate Menken, they
legally adopted his five children. J. S. Menken died in
Memphis in 1925. |
D. Menken
born in Cincinnati in 1837 - the second son of Solomon Menken.
After some college he worked in a law office but soon tired of
this and in 1860 joined his brothers in the dry goods business.
When the Civil War began he entered the Union army, becoming
commander of General Pope's body-guard and taking part in 37
battles. By 1865 he joined his brothers again who had
moved their business to Memphis. During the 1878 epidemic
of yellow fever in Memphis, he provided funds for many who
wanted to leave the city although he himself remained. As
a member of the Howard Society, he walked from house to house
providing relief for the sick, until he, too, fell a victim at
the age of 42. No citizen of the city was esteemed more
highly than Nathan and his memory was indeed cherished. |
A. Menken
was with the business from the beginning. Very little
information has been located about Jules. He
retired from the business in 1886 and he and his wife moved to New York where
he died in 1890 |
Alexander Isaacs Menken
the black sheep in the Menken family. He didn't go into
the family business. Instead he became a musician, but is best
known for marrying America's first "free spirit-sex symbol"
actress-poetress Adah Isaacs Menken. Although only married
for two years, she took his name and converted to his religion.
There's much written about her and in each article, poor
Alexander is reduced to a brief footnote. More about Adah later...
It's amazing that with the hundreds of photos available of Adah,
there's not one photo of Alexander. |
Menken Rosinstiel
born in Cincinnati in 1824 and after her marriage lived in New
York City. |
... AND ... |
Isaacs Menken
was an
actress and poet - the highest earning actress of the time.
Her most famous role was "Mazeppa" which ended with her nude and
riding a horse on stage. She was born near New Orleans and
married musician-conductor Alexander Isaac Menken just long
enough (2 Years) to adopt his name and his religion. If
her early life is obscure, she made sure her later life was
exactly the opposite. With 4 marriages in 7 years, a
flamboyant stage career, and a knack for self-promotion, she
rose quickly to notoriety. She became the opposite of
women of her time - smoking cigarettes, cropping her hair and
playing provocative stage roles. |
once gave a press conference lying on a tiger skin, sipping
champagne, and smoking a cigarette. Defying conventional
values and shocking behavior were her key to fame rather than her
acting ability. Her last stage performance was in London in
1868. She became ill shortly afterwards and died in Paris at
the age of 33. Adah is buried in the Jewish section of the
Montparnasse cemetery in Paris. Look her up. It's
fascinating reading. |
Credits |
Historic-Memphis website does not intentionally post copyrighted
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also do that if you contact us with a photo that fits a particular
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The "Historic-Memphis" website would like to acknowledge and thank the
following for their contributions which helped make this website
County Museums, Woody Savage, Memphis
Public Library, Memphis University Library, Memphis Law Library,
Memphis Commercial Appeal, Memphis Press Scimitar, Shelby County
Register of Deeds, Memphis City Schools, Memphis Business Men's
Club, Memphis Chamber of Commerce, Memphis City Park Commission,
Memphis Film Commision, Carnival Memphis, Memphis Historical
Railroad Page, Memphis Heritage Inc, Beale Street Historic District,
Cobblestone Historic District, Memphis Historic Districts, Vance
Lauderdale Family Archives, Tennessee State Archives, Library of
Congress, Kemmons Wilson Family, Richard S. Brashier, Lee Askew,
George Whitworth, and many individuals whose assistance is
acknowledged on the pages of their contributions. Special
thanks to Memphis Realtor, Joe Spake, for giving us carte blanche
access to his outstanding collection of contemporary Memphis photos.
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pages. If anyone wishes to secure high definition photos,
you'll have to contact the photographer or the collector.
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