Memphis Cossitt
Library |
City's First Library and Museum |
Memphis's first public library opened at the corner of Front and
Monroe in 1893. It all began with a wealthy businessman named
Frederick H. Cossitt, who wanted to thank the city for its
hospitality, by building a library. Unfortunately he died in
1887 before this happened. However his daughters decided to
honor their father's pledge and donated $75,000 to be placed in
trust until plans for the library could be completed. Memphis
agreed to provide the lot and the working expenses and awarded
Atlanta architect L. B. Wheeler the contract for the building.
Working with this small budget, Wheeler created a small but
impressive Romanesque monument like nothing else ever seen in
Memphis. It was a masterpiece, with it's red sandstone turret
towering above Memphis's skyline - almost shouting "Culture
has arrived!!!". |
But that
didn't quite happen. After it's dedication, the new
library actually stood empty for a year because there wasn't enough
money left to buy any books. The city newspapers began a
campaign asking the public to help. And the shelves began to fill
up. When the library did open it was known as the Cossitt-Goodwyn Institute - and in addition to books, it also housed
the city's first museum collection. Culture had now indeed
arrived. |
Thanks to the Memphis Public Library and the University
of Memphis Library for many of the photos on this page |
1895 |
Architect's Rendering |
1910 |
Click on small photos to
enlarge them. |
Cossitt in the Snow |
The back of Cossitt - 1910 |
Memphians fell in love with the grand
building. During the next 25 years it became a major
landmark and the most photographed building
in the city, appearing on more postcards than any other
landmark. But like all libraries, there was never
enough space. Almost from the beginning, the
library began the rather new concept of renting space
around town and opening "branches". > |
Whitehaven Branch |
Vance Branch |
Lemoyne Branch |
Architectural Details of Cossitt Library |
Cossitt Library
Interiors |
Reading Room |
Reading Room |
Cossitt Museum |
Cossitt Interior |
Memphis Room |
Memphis Room |
Memphis Room |
Memphis Room |
many years the lot next to the library was literally used as a
city dump. This didn't seem to bother anyone until
Memphis received some unfavorable attention in McCalls
magazine about
this. That dump was cleaned up and became Chickasaw
Park. Eventually Chickasaw Park was demolished to
build a parking garage. |
A 1906
Addition to Cossitt Library ? |
preparation for this page we collected numerous photos
and postcards of the library. In the 1906-1912 photos,
we noticed what appeared to be another building or wing at the
back of the library. Although we were aware of the
1924-25 and 1958 renovations, we'd never seen this rear
building before and suspected that it might be an early
addition to the library. Closer inspection of the photos
confirmed that it was indeed part of the library building and
it must have been added around 1907-08. The official
Cossitt history discusses the 1925 and 1958 renovations but
doesn't include information about other additions.
Soon after this page was finished we finally found our proof -
a one sentence mention in a paragraph about the first
Library Director Charles Dutton Johnston.
also expanded the library's infrastructure by adding shelf
space and a reading room overlooking the Mississippi River in
Charles Dutton Johnston |
No addition - 1905-06 |
addition -1910 |
Detail-addition 1910 |
addition - 1906 |
addition - 1912 |
First Renovation |
The need for more space was solved in 1924-25 when the library underwent its first
- a
rear addition designed in the original style by E. L. Harrison. It wasn't a great addition, but it was
"acceptable" and more than doubled the size of the library.
All was well with Cossitt now and the library continued as a
showplace of the city. Memphians just thought the castle would
always be there. |
The Final "Renovation" |
But space began to be a problem once more and the
library began thinking in terms of "modernization".
That meant a new building. So, out of the blue,
the library commission began talking about the building
being "unstable". And because they
talked about it so much it became a fact. Thus it
was "decided" that the old "unstable" Cossitt Library should be
demolished after standing like a rock for 65 years.
But it will be called a "renovation" because the rear
wing will still be used, so
only "part" of old Cossitt will actually be demolished.
1958 Demolition |
That 1925 rear addition had been there so long that most
folks thought it actually was part of the original
Cossitt. Now the demolition that was a
"renovation" would incorporate that old wing into the
new design. In the photo on the right, you
can judge just how successful this was and how well the new and old buildings
integrated. > |
Old and New integrated??? |
The last "renovation" in 1958 was an unfortunate
attempt at modernization.
Eugene Johnson wrote in 'Memphis: An Architectural Guide', "The loss
of no old building in Memphis is more regrettable than that of the Cossitt
Library, an imposing Romanesque structure of great power and
dignity. The only vestiges of the old structure are the
sandstone wall surrounding the building and the rear addition ...
added in 1924-25. The 1958 structure is thoughtlessly tacked
onto the front - a
sterile, minimalist box
designed by the office of Walk C. Jones replacing the former
classical arches, galleries, and towers of the old Cossitt". |
"...sterile, Minimalist Box..." |
critic wrote of the 1958 renovation: "To fully appreciate the
absolute ugliness of this building, you have to remember what it
replaced. The original Cossitt Library was a stunning red
sandstone castle, with a sweeping flight of steps that led up to a
triple-arched entrance, and a round tower that provided visitors
with magnificent views of the Mississippi River...In a
flash of insanity, the city of Memphis, arguing that the old
building had somehow become unstable, tore down the castle and
replaced it with...this. Some people might try to call
the new building "International Style". We call it a
hideous blue box that doesn't even attempt to match the
rear sandstone addition. This whole corner is a
disgrace. The original Cossitt Library was one of the most beautiful public buildings in
is one of the ugliest. |
"This is one of the
ugliest" |
But the cornerstone of Old Cossitt Library is still here
Today that ugly 1958 Building is 53 years old. And
in this digital age, Cossit Library is not being used as
much. It is no longer the Central Library.
It is a branch. The property is prime river-view
real estate and very valuable. It's ripe for
"developers". No doubt this building will be
demolished, and for once, no one would miss this
eyesore when that happens. And talks have begun
about this prominent corner on Front Street.
Original Cornerstone |
A Recommendation for the
old Cossitt Library...
This website recommends something the City of
Memphis seems to be passionate about - that is,
DEMOLISH the entire building
currently on this lot and build a new,
exact replica of the original Cossitt Library,
just like the architect's rendering to the right. >
This " new Cossitt" building would make a
appropriate, grand Library Museum.
With more and more research being conducted on the
internet, folks don't have as much need for
actual libraries. But in the very near
future, they will begin to wonder about the
old-fashioned way of doing research.
Memphis could lead the way by establishing
the first Library Museum. |
Cossitt Library in Vintage Postcards over the years
<> |
1906 |
1907 |
1908 |
1915 |
1908 |
1909 |
1930s |
1950s |
1909 |
1908 |
1905 |
1908 - with Trolley |
1906 |
1912 |
1906 |
1939 |
1906 |
1917 |
1900's |
1914 |
<> Cossitt
Library Memorabilia <> |
1930 |
F. H. Cossitt |
Cossitt's Obit |
Elizabeth Cottitt |
1894 |
1890 |
Cossitt Family 1884 |
Cossitt Miniature Model |
2 Ladies |
Cornerstone |
Retaining Wall |
Chas. D.Johnston -
auto at Young Av |
Johnston - Cossitt Office |
Bookmobile... |
Miniature Pitcher |
Book Label 1898 |
Credits |
Historic-Memphis website does not intentionally post copyrighted
photos and material without permission or credit.
occasion a "non-credited" photo might possibly be posted because we
were unable to find a name to give credit. Because of the nature of
our non-commercial, non-profit, educational website, we strongly
believe that these photos would be considered "Fair Use. We have
certainly made no monetary gain, although those using this website
for historic or Genealogy research have certainly profited. If by
we have posted your copyrighted photo, please contact us, and we'll
remove it immediately, or we'll add your credit if that's your
choice. In the past, we have found that many photographers
volunteer to have their works included on these pages and we'll
also do that if you contact us with a photo that fits a particular
page. |
The "Historic-Memphis" website would like to acknowledge and thank the
following for their contributions which helped make this website
Public Library, Memphis University Library, Memphis Law Library,
Memphis Commercial Appeal, Memphis Press Scimitar, Shelby County
Register of Deeds, Memphis City Schools, Memphis Business Men's
Club, Memphis Chamber of Commerce, Memphis City Park Commission,
Memphis Film Commission, Carnival Memphis, Memphis Historical
Railroad Page, Memphis Heritage Inc, Beale Street Historic District,
Cobblestone Historic District, Memphis Historic Districts, Vance
Lauderdale Family Archives, Tennessee State Archives, Library of
Congress, Kemmons Wilson Family, Richard S. Brashier, Lee Askew,
George Whitworth, Woody Savage and many individuals whose assistance is
acknowledged on the pages of their contributions. Special
thanks to Memphis Realtor, Joe Spake, for giving us carte blanche
access to his outstanding collection of contemporary Memphis photos.
We do not have high definition copies of the photos on these
pages. If anyone wishes to secure high definition photos,
you'll have to contact the photographer or the collector.
(To avoid any possibility of contributing to SPAM, we do not
maintain a file of email addresses for anyone who contacts us). |